Post by Mohammed Al Thani on Feb 17, 2015 14:59:03 GMT
Top of the rankings for Man of Steel.
Undefeated in February.
Out to prove the impossible.
And now I finally get my chance at rewriting the books.
So it’s time do the impossible once again and show the world what I can do!
Divine for the first is on her own. She is in the office of the gym Mohammed recently purchased. She wipes away drips of sweat from her forehead. She takes a moment to herself to get her breath back due to the high heat in the office room. She taps the keyboard loudly as she is trying to get in contact with someone. But the internet connection is poor at the moment with the gym still in the phase of transferring over to the look and the design of what Mohammed and Divine wants. She receives an email which makes her smirk.
لدينا لدينا تذاكر أكدت ونحن سيصل السبت الوقت تقريبا الغداء. نتطلع إلى رؤيتكم تحقيق حلمك ويظهر للعالم أن كنت على استعداد لاتخاذ خاتم من النحاس الأصفر. نحن فخورون بك وأحبك. الفوز أو الخسارة، كنت قد قدمت أسرة آل ثاني بالفخر وأظهرت قوتنا في الخارج. اعتن بنفسك
حسين والأسرة
(We have our tickets confirmed and we will arrive Saturday approx lunch time. Looking forward to seeing you fulfil your dream and showing the world that you are ready to take the brass ring. We are proud of you and love you. Win or lose, you have made the Al Thani family proud and showed our strength overseas. Take Care
Hossein and the family)
Divine smirks before gulping lots of iced cold water to try and to take the heat down from her body. A large bang can be heard that immediately draws Divines attention. She dashes over from the office to the main gym where she sees Mohammed slumped down on the ground. She sprints towards him to make sure he is okay.
Divine: Mohammed?! Mohammed!
Mohammed breaths heavy which prompts her to go to the vending machine to get several bottles of water. She gets the keys and quickly opens it and without thought gets three to four bottles and runs over towards the Pearl Gladiator. She puts them down and helps Mohammed to sit up. He takes a lot of big breaths before she gives him the first bottle of water which he quickly gulps down. As she slowly lets him take a moment to recover, Divine threads her hair behind her again and goes to make sure he is ok.
Divine: هل أنت بخير؟ ماذا حدث؟ (Are you okay? What happened?)
Al Thani: أنا ما يزيد قليلا على فعل ذلك قليلا على الأوزان. (I just over did it a bit on the weights.)
Divine puts her hand on Mohammed back for support as he continues to keep breathing heavy.
Divine: أخذ قسط من الراحة ليلا، كنت قد فعلت ما يكفي من التدريب. (Take a break for the night, you’ve done enough training.)
Al Thani: أنا بحاجة إلى بذل المزيد من الجهد للتحضير لكل ثلاثة (I need to do more to prepare for all three-)
Divine: لا ستفقد المباراة اذا واصلتم هذا! (No you will lose the match if you keep doing this!)
Al Thani: ولكن لا بد لي من الفوز! أنا بحاجة للعمل على جوانب الكثير من أعني ما if- (But I have to win! I need to work on so much aspects I mean what if-)
Divine slaps his face for a harsh reality check. With his face stinging, Mohammed looks straight at Divine.
Divine: (أعرف أن هذا هو حياتك. أنا أعرف هذه المباراة هي عقود في صنع بالنسبة لك، الرجل الذي يعيش المصارعة. أحصل عليه. أنت لا تريد أن تدع الجميع إلى هنا ومرة أخرى في وطننا، ولكن يمكن أن 'لا تراها الخاص به كثيرا سوف تتعب لك؟ إضعاف لك؟ الجحيم ربما قتلك؟ تحتاج إلى توازن بها. كن ذكيا مع التدريب ومع المعركة وتكون عاطفية في نفس الوقت. (I know this is your life. I know this match is decades in the making for you, the man who lives wrestling. I get it. You don’t want to let everyone else down here and back in our homeland. But can’t your see doing too much will tire you? Weaken you? Hell maybe even kill you? You need to balance it out. Be smart with the training and with the fight and be emotional at the same time.)
Mohammed soon realises as he slowly heals up enough to get to one knee.
Divine: هذا هو السبب في فشل الكثير من المنافسين. أيضا الكثير من الطاقة وضعت على إعداد جسديا وعقليا لا. لديك الصفات المطلوبة للتغلب على هؤلاء الرجال، وانت تعرف ذلك، وأنا أعرف ذلك. ولكن كل منا تعرف كم يعني هذا بالنسبة لك. ليكون أول بطل عربي لدت هنا هو علامة فارقة لا يصدق. وسجل مع مجموعة شباك التذاكر لوطننا والدول المجاورة عيون الشرق الأوسط هي عليك، انها الكثير من الضغط. لكن هل تعرف ما محمد؟ (That’s why so many challengers fail. Too much energy put on the preparation physically and not mentally. You have the attributes needed to beat these men, you know it and I know it. But we both know how much this means to you. To be the first Arabic born champion here is an incredible milestone. And with record box office set for our homeland and neighbouring countries the Middle Eastern eyes are on you, it’s a lot of pressure. But you know what Mohammed?)
Al Thani: ماذا؟ (What?)
Divine whispers in his ear.
Divine: هل ما كنت تفعل كل هذا الشهر. يستعد مع التدريب الذي تحتاجه مثل الجداول تطابق ونعتقد في نفسك. كلانا يعرف المنحدرات حكم على استعداد لإنهاء وكلانا أعلم أنك يجب أن تكون واحدة ليحصل على لقب الخروج وبدء عهد الخاص بك. المصارعة هي حياتك ... لذا تفعل ما رأيت تفعل مع الثقة على مدى هذا الشهر و لا أشك في نفسك. كنت على استعداد لتحقيق حلم مدى الحياة، وسيتم الوفاء ذلك! (Do what you’ve been doing all this month. Getting ready with the exact training needed like the tables match and believe in yourself. We both know Cliffs reign is ready to end and we both know you should be the one to take the title off and start your reign. Wrestling is your life….So do what I’ve seen you do with the confidence over this month and don’t doubt yourself. You are ready to fulfil a lifelong dream, and it will be fulfilled!)
Mohammed smiles before kissing her on the cheek as a thanks.
Divine: ولكن لا راوغ رئيس جاك Gaithers بالنسبة لنا، ووخز النمطية التي هو. (But do rip off Jack Gaithers head for us, the stereotypical prick that he is.)
Mohammed laughs as he has enough energy to get to his feet. He stares at Divine as she now has a face of delight on her.
He twirls some of her hair as he breathes lightly.
Al Thani: لقد كنت على التفكير أكثر من اللازم. هذا هو السبب في أنني أحب بعد أن كنت معي. جميلة جدا وذكية جدا. (I’ve been overthinking too much . This is why I love having you with me. So beautiful and so smart.)
Divine: أنت لست الوحيد الذي يبحث لطيف واحد هنا. ولكن العقل المدبر وكلانا يعرف هي لي. (You’re not the only nice looking one here. But the brains we both know are me.)
The pair laugh with each other as if Mohammeds collapse did not even happen. Mohammed and Divine stare at each, the eyes twinkle as for a moment they look with him slowly touching her cheek while she looks point blank in her eyes confused and slowly shaken. She breaks the moment as she shakes her head and slowly goes to the office.
Divine: أنا ... أنا أفضل العودة. ( I…I better go back. )
Mohammed looks confused at her before being confused at himself, looking at the hand that touched her skin as he tries to understand what just happened.
The time has come to get the scrolls out from the dawn of time.
Not to doubt the events of the past but to celebrate a new chapter to be added into the scrolls.
Because history is about to be made in professional wrestling. Firstly the greatest match witnessed by the masses in history with four warriors risk it all for the taste of gold. And secondly….The first ever Arabic born wrestler will win a title on North American soil.
This isn’t to do with racism or America as those naturally. This is about the metaphor that my kind cannot compete in all levels of sports and competition. No longer will we be associated with breeding and riding horses and shooting events. No longer will we be stereotyped with spending money to bring competition to our borders. No longer will we be seen as not having a chance at title glory. FINALLY I have a chance to end that drought, finally WE have a chance.
Ever since I was three years old, I got given a old VHS tape. You know what that video was? Wrestlemania 6. The main event was Ultimate Warrior versus Hulk Hogan. I didn’t really know what wrestling was all about until my father and family explained it all. So they put it on for me and I watched on for several hours….And I was hooked and addicted to this new awesome thing called wrestling. And years on after that I kept telling my family and friends that I will be a wrestler and I will reach the heights that Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan were when I watched that. Years later goes by and I get my
training from QPW and fate and damn good hard earned work has taken me here.
What I am trying to tell you all here is simply this. My life rotates around wrestling. My training, my schedules and my meetings rotate around wrestling. My dates, girlfriends, restaurants rotate around whether let me train to be the best inside that ring. There is no other life for me on the outside that doesn’t involve professional wrestling. For you see for those out there this moment I am about to be involved is just another, THIS IS DAY OF RECKONING FOR ME!
I’ve had family, friends, partners, trainers and even fellow Middle Eastern wrestlers tell me to stop. They have told me “You can’t change the world. The western world will not allow it and they’re just too good.” This has been fed in my ear again and again and again. But never once has it deterred me. It’s has fueled the fire even more and it got me to the states and got me to this title shot. I can feel the Man of Steel championship sunk into my teeth. I’m this close to proving the world wrong, I’m this close to proving to those who told that I can’t do it.
Now thanks to me, we have a Middle Eastern market. Many countries there now want to watch me to see if that I can break that bound and do the impossible. You see my three opponents. While you may have one, two or a little group behind you, I have nations behind me. They all will cheer and cry and beg for me to win. I will use that energy and inject it inside my veins to make me persevere through all pain to get to the top!
I’ve beaten three men before, I’ve beaten comeback kids and hell I’ve even got an official win over Death. I want you three to read my lips very carefully when I say this, because it is true…I am ready to die to win that championship. Because this has been twenty six years in the making for me, and I’m not going to miss my chance!
Now you three are all good. Praise must be given. It’s going to be one hell of a dance! Can’t think of any others to share this moment with. But don’t think my respect for you three means I’m weak. I am going to be a savage dog ready to tear the flesh off your bones. I am going to foam at the mouth, with some fast thinking, and rip you all apart. Get ready to prepare for that. So let me talk about the three of you in detail.
Malaki…Malaki..You are what your nickname says you claim to be. A Samoan battering ram. Your power, size and stamina for a guy like you are beyond good. I look forward to fighting you. And I’m sure that you Malaki can take a hell of a lot of damage from your rugby days. You remind me of Death, except you don’t hide your true identity with a mask and some paint. That’s why I like you. That’s why I am going to love fighting you. You have the potential to be a giant and one of the heaviest hitters here in IWF. Except you let your little manager control your mind and let him do the talking. You let that manager poison you mind with his own and insist that his motives, his ways are sometimes the best way. You let him dictate when you finish your opponent dead. So let me ask you this Malaki. When your manager looks at that precious title, decides maybe he wants to risk it a bit more by going for a higher ranked belt….tells you to leave the ring. Will you do it? I am a free mind, I will fight anyone of any style. I’ve fought Death himself so I very familiar with your style Malaki. I will dodge your heavy handed fists, I will outpace you by moving faster than your steam rolling body when going for a spear and when I use my intelligence at the right time and the right place, Allah and I will cut your legs down piece by piece to weaken you until you are stuck in the middle of the ring, ready for a ritual killing. You are good, you will hurt me. But I’m going to hurt you a hell of a lot more using my head as a primary weapon of choice. And if your Robert Downey Jr wannabe manager doesn’t like that, that is too bad.
Jack Gaither, you and I have crossed paths many times. The last time we crossed paths was with you being involved in my match with an American flag waving it about making this a race battle. You see you made a mistake already by thinking that all I’m going to care about is giving America a middle finger everywhere I go. I don’t care about America, I care about Middle Eastern wrestling. I care about breaking that stereotype that we can’t wrestle, that we can’t become champions all over the world! You won’t see me take flags down, you won’t see me spit on American soil, and you’ll just see me focused to win that match! I’m going to scar your face with the steel of the blunt cold cage. Your face will be a bloody mess with wound after wound that’ll see blood treacle down your face. So let me clear this up by saying don’t stereotype me….again. Now don’t take my warning as one that thinks I’m going to get it easy with you Jack, you’ve a little good run recently. So I’m going to take that on board because combine that with your iron will to succeed similar to mines, your speed and your endurance. You will run all the gas in the tank if it means winning the man of steel championship. But you are fighting tall and big men. Your size despite your heart being bigger than your height, Is going to affect you. Sad but true when it is going to take you longer to climb the cage to do a special move on us, and with your small arms how are you going to submit a savage dog like me? Who will bite the flesh off your arms if it means getting this title. Oh and that little knee of yours . That Jack is my target. That will be the first thing I go to rip apart so that your limb in the ring and helpless. I am that hungry for the title that I will be the most malicious wrestler in IWF history.
And now Cliff….The champion who’s been on a bad run of form. And it’s a shame Cliff because you were great. You put the Man of Steel Championship on the eyes of the masses. Match after match you put out there were pleasing to watch, and to finally get to face you after that little jump off the cage to make myself known. A titan amongst us who the fans love. You rally to the fans is admirable, almost like what Allah does to myself. The fans cries to you, appeals to you makes you beat your fists down, roar out loud like a grizzly bear and beat your chest as you attack your opponents with a new fresh injection of energy! Guess what Cliff? Bears before they die will use their last ounce of energy to go for the kill, sometimes that ain’t enough when the killer has a gun pointing at it’s face. I am going to make a statement with you, because I have to. Because whether it’s I aim for your knees or go for that brawling style that you so love, I am going be the hunter between you and I, and you are my prey. I’m going to kill you where you stand, take my pearl sword and slit your throat so the pain isn’t long for you. I respect you Cliff, you like a fight and you don’t back down, but this time you are up against a man who wants to change time and history and will do so with his pearl sword and a smile on his face as I get prepared to die for a lifelong cause.
I will repeat myself over when I say this to you three men when I say that I will shed blood, scar flesh, have flesh torn apart, bones break and turn into dust. This is the next chapter of my life here. This is Middle Eastern Wrestlings next chapter and I will not go down without a true fight. So bring your fists! Bring your kicks! Bring your big moves, impact moves, suplexes, spears, your high dives and all the arsenal that you have that you think can take me out! Because at the end of the day you can give the greatest finishers you have ever given in your careers, the most brutal moves you can last remember it will not be enough to kill off the Pearl Gladiator! I will be the lone Survivor! I will be the last dog in the yard and more importantly I will be the MAN OF STEEL!
Allah let us pray!
Allah the time has come for us to show the world that we ready to conquer. The time has come to show the world that on this front we are ready to become the champions of the world, like the great Persian ancestors.
Let the three men who are the final road blocks to our deserved title have the recognition they deserve for being in this match but once that bell rings to inject me with the venom that’ll tear them apart flesh by flesh. Let them use their heights, size and all the power that they can thrust towards us. Make them fear us Allah by realising that all they can muster will not be enough to make me fall.
Let me slay them all piece by piece. Let me slit their skin against the steel and make their eyes widen as they soon realise that they are up against a man who possess power that they cannot stop. Make them realise they can bring their weapons and will not stop my will and my mind. Make them all realise into the match that I am unbeatable….that I am immortal.
Allah with your righteous way make me slit their throats and drain the blood from their lives up until I have Cliff left. Let me be the one that tells the beast on the throne that his time has come to an end and he will be put to sleep permanently. Use your force to make me uncontrollable and let Cliff know that his time is coming to an end. I will take his weak knees out and see him bow to me. As he looks to me straight in the eyes, knowing his life is coming to an end, I will whisper in his ear.
“You were a great champion, but I will be the greatest.”
I will slit his throat before severing his head and raise it to the masses as I become the victor, the best in the ring….the Man of Steel. And when the crown is wrapped around my waist I will shout out the words:
Allah Akbar.
I give you my life Allah for the chance to make this history. For this moment and for the presses to say the following;
Mohammed Al Thani; Man of Steel Champion.
Top of the rankings for Man of Steel.
Undefeated in February.
Out to prove the impossible.
And now I finally get my chance at rewriting the books.
So it’s time do the impossible once again and show the world what I can do!
Divine for the first is on her own. She is in the office of the gym Mohammed recently purchased. She wipes away drips of sweat from her forehead. She takes a moment to herself to get her breath back due to the high heat in the office room. She taps the keyboard loudly as she is trying to get in contact with someone. But the internet connection is poor at the moment with the gym still in the phase of transferring over to the look and the design of what Mohammed and Divine wants. She receives an email which makes her smirk.
لدينا لدينا تذاكر أكدت ونحن سيصل السبت الوقت تقريبا الغداء. نتطلع إلى رؤيتكم تحقيق حلمك ويظهر للعالم أن كنت على استعداد لاتخاذ خاتم من النحاس الأصفر. نحن فخورون بك وأحبك. الفوز أو الخسارة، كنت قد قدمت أسرة آل ثاني بالفخر وأظهرت قوتنا في الخارج. اعتن بنفسك
حسين والأسرة
(We have our tickets confirmed and we will arrive Saturday approx lunch time. Looking forward to seeing you fulfil your dream and showing the world that you are ready to take the brass ring. We are proud of you and love you. Win or lose, you have made the Al Thani family proud and showed our strength overseas. Take Care
Hossein and the family)
Divine smirks before gulping lots of iced cold water to try and to take the heat down from her body. A large bang can be heard that immediately draws Divines attention. She dashes over from the office to the main gym where she sees Mohammed slumped down on the ground. She sprints towards him to make sure he is okay.
Divine: Mohammed?! Mohammed!
Mohammed breaths heavy which prompts her to go to the vending machine to get several bottles of water. She gets the keys and quickly opens it and without thought gets three to four bottles and runs over towards the Pearl Gladiator. She puts them down and helps Mohammed to sit up. He takes a lot of big breaths before she gives him the first bottle of water which he quickly gulps down. As she slowly lets him take a moment to recover, Divine threads her hair behind her again and goes to make sure he is ok.
Divine: هل أنت بخير؟ ماذا حدث؟ (Are you okay? What happened?)
Al Thani: أنا ما يزيد قليلا على فعل ذلك قليلا على الأوزان. (I just over did it a bit on the weights.)
Divine puts her hand on Mohammed back for support as he continues to keep breathing heavy.
Divine: أخذ قسط من الراحة ليلا، كنت قد فعلت ما يكفي من التدريب. (Take a break for the night, you’ve done enough training.)
Al Thani: أنا بحاجة إلى بذل المزيد من الجهد للتحضير لكل ثلاثة (I need to do more to prepare for all three-)
Divine: لا ستفقد المباراة اذا واصلتم هذا! (No you will lose the match if you keep doing this!)
Al Thani: ولكن لا بد لي من الفوز! أنا بحاجة للعمل على جوانب الكثير من أعني ما if- (But I have to win! I need to work on so much aspects I mean what if-)
Divine slaps his face for a harsh reality check. With his face stinging, Mohammed looks straight at Divine.
Divine: (أعرف أن هذا هو حياتك. أنا أعرف هذه المباراة هي عقود في صنع بالنسبة لك، الرجل الذي يعيش المصارعة. أحصل عليه. أنت لا تريد أن تدع الجميع إلى هنا ومرة أخرى في وطننا، ولكن يمكن أن 'لا تراها الخاص به كثيرا سوف تتعب لك؟ إضعاف لك؟ الجحيم ربما قتلك؟ تحتاج إلى توازن بها. كن ذكيا مع التدريب ومع المعركة وتكون عاطفية في نفس الوقت. (I know this is your life. I know this match is decades in the making for you, the man who lives wrestling. I get it. You don’t want to let everyone else down here and back in our homeland. But can’t your see doing too much will tire you? Weaken you? Hell maybe even kill you? You need to balance it out. Be smart with the training and with the fight and be emotional at the same time.)
Mohammed soon realises as he slowly heals up enough to get to one knee.
Divine: هذا هو السبب في فشل الكثير من المنافسين. أيضا الكثير من الطاقة وضعت على إعداد جسديا وعقليا لا. لديك الصفات المطلوبة للتغلب على هؤلاء الرجال، وانت تعرف ذلك، وأنا أعرف ذلك. ولكن كل منا تعرف كم يعني هذا بالنسبة لك. ليكون أول بطل عربي لدت هنا هو علامة فارقة لا يصدق. وسجل مع مجموعة شباك التذاكر لوطننا والدول المجاورة عيون الشرق الأوسط هي عليك، انها الكثير من الضغط. لكن هل تعرف ما محمد؟ (That’s why so many challengers fail. Too much energy put on the preparation physically and not mentally. You have the attributes needed to beat these men, you know it and I know it. But we both know how much this means to you. To be the first Arabic born champion here is an incredible milestone. And with record box office set for our homeland and neighbouring countries the Middle Eastern eyes are on you, it’s a lot of pressure. But you know what Mohammed?)
Al Thani: ماذا؟ (What?)
Divine whispers in his ear.
Divine: هل ما كنت تفعل كل هذا الشهر. يستعد مع التدريب الذي تحتاجه مثل الجداول تطابق ونعتقد في نفسك. كلانا يعرف المنحدرات حكم على استعداد لإنهاء وكلانا أعلم أنك يجب أن تكون واحدة ليحصل على لقب الخروج وبدء عهد الخاص بك. المصارعة هي حياتك ... لذا تفعل ما رأيت تفعل مع الثقة على مدى هذا الشهر و لا أشك في نفسك. كنت على استعداد لتحقيق حلم مدى الحياة، وسيتم الوفاء ذلك! (Do what you’ve been doing all this month. Getting ready with the exact training needed like the tables match and believe in yourself. We both know Cliffs reign is ready to end and we both know you should be the one to take the title off and start your reign. Wrestling is your life….So do what I’ve seen you do with the confidence over this month and don’t doubt yourself. You are ready to fulfil a lifelong dream, and it will be fulfilled!)
Mohammed smiles before kissing her on the cheek as a thanks.
Divine: ولكن لا راوغ رئيس جاك Gaithers بالنسبة لنا، ووخز النمطية التي هو. (But do rip off Jack Gaithers head for us, the stereotypical prick that he is.)
Mohammed laughs as he has enough energy to get to his feet. He stares at Divine as she now has a face of delight on her.
He twirls some of her hair as he breathes lightly.
Al Thani: لقد كنت على التفكير أكثر من اللازم. هذا هو السبب في أنني أحب بعد أن كنت معي. جميلة جدا وذكية جدا. (I’ve been overthinking too much . This is why I love having you with me. So beautiful and so smart.)
Divine: أنت لست الوحيد الذي يبحث لطيف واحد هنا. ولكن العقل المدبر وكلانا يعرف هي لي. (You’re not the only nice looking one here. But the brains we both know are me.)
The pair laugh with each other as if Mohammeds collapse did not even happen. Mohammed and Divine stare at each, the eyes twinkle as for a moment they look with him slowly touching her cheek while she looks point blank in her eyes confused and slowly shaken. She breaks the moment as she shakes her head and slowly goes to the office.
Divine: أنا ... أنا أفضل العودة. ( I…I better go back. )
Mohammed looks confused at her before being confused at himself, looking at the hand that touched her skin as he tries to understand what just happened.
The time has come to get the scrolls out from the dawn of time.
Not to doubt the events of the past but to celebrate a new chapter to be added into the scrolls.
Because history is about to be made in professional wrestling. Firstly the greatest match witnessed by the masses in history with four warriors risk it all for the taste of gold. And secondly….The first ever Arabic born wrestler will win a title on North American soil.
This isn’t to do with racism or America as those naturally. This is about the metaphor that my kind cannot compete in all levels of sports and competition. No longer will we be associated with breeding and riding horses and shooting events. No longer will we be stereotyped with spending money to bring competition to our borders. No longer will we be seen as not having a chance at title glory. FINALLY I have a chance to end that drought, finally WE have a chance.
Ever since I was three years old, I got given a old VHS tape. You know what that video was? Wrestlemania 6. The main event was Ultimate Warrior versus Hulk Hogan. I didn’t really know what wrestling was all about until my father and family explained it all. So they put it on for me and I watched on for several hours….And I was hooked and addicted to this new awesome thing called wrestling. And years on after that I kept telling my family and friends that I will be a wrestler and I will reach the heights that Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan were when I watched that. Years later goes by and I get my
training from QPW and fate and damn good hard earned work has taken me here.
What I am trying to tell you all here is simply this. My life rotates around wrestling. My training, my schedules and my meetings rotate around wrestling. My dates, girlfriends, restaurants rotate around whether let me train to be the best inside that ring. There is no other life for me on the outside that doesn’t involve professional wrestling. For you see for those out there this moment I am about to be involved is just another, THIS IS DAY OF RECKONING FOR ME!
I’ve had family, friends, partners, trainers and even fellow Middle Eastern wrestlers tell me to stop. They have told me “You can’t change the world. The western world will not allow it and they’re just too good.” This has been fed in my ear again and again and again. But never once has it deterred me. It’s has fueled the fire even more and it got me to the states and got me to this title shot. I can feel the Man of Steel championship sunk into my teeth. I’m this close to proving the world wrong, I’m this close to proving to those who told that I can’t do it.
Now thanks to me, we have a Middle Eastern market. Many countries there now want to watch me to see if that I can break that bound and do the impossible. You see my three opponents. While you may have one, two or a little group behind you, I have nations behind me. They all will cheer and cry and beg for me to win. I will use that energy and inject it inside my veins to make me persevere through all pain to get to the top!
I’ve beaten three men before, I’ve beaten comeback kids and hell I’ve even got an official win over Death. I want you three to read my lips very carefully when I say this, because it is true…I am ready to die to win that championship. Because this has been twenty six years in the making for me, and I’m not going to miss my chance!
Now you three are all good. Praise must be given. It’s going to be one hell of a dance! Can’t think of any others to share this moment with. But don’t think my respect for you three means I’m weak. I am going to be a savage dog ready to tear the flesh off your bones. I am going to foam at the mouth, with some fast thinking, and rip you all apart. Get ready to prepare for that. So let me talk about the three of you in detail.
Malaki…Malaki..You are what your nickname says you claim to be. A Samoan battering ram. Your power, size and stamina for a guy like you are beyond good. I look forward to fighting you. And I’m sure that you Malaki can take a hell of a lot of damage from your rugby days. You remind me of Death, except you don’t hide your true identity with a mask and some paint. That’s why I like you. That’s why I am going to love fighting you. You have the potential to be a giant and one of the heaviest hitters here in IWF. Except you let your little manager control your mind and let him do the talking. You let that manager poison you mind with his own and insist that his motives, his ways are sometimes the best way. You let him dictate when you finish your opponent dead. So let me ask you this Malaki. When your manager looks at that precious title, decides maybe he wants to risk it a bit more by going for a higher ranked belt….tells you to leave the ring. Will you do it? I am a free mind, I will fight anyone of any style. I’ve fought Death himself so I very familiar with your style Malaki. I will dodge your heavy handed fists, I will outpace you by moving faster than your steam rolling body when going for a spear and when I use my intelligence at the right time and the right place, Allah and I will cut your legs down piece by piece to weaken you until you are stuck in the middle of the ring, ready for a ritual killing. You are good, you will hurt me. But I’m going to hurt you a hell of a lot more using my head as a primary weapon of choice. And if your Robert Downey Jr wannabe manager doesn’t like that, that is too bad.
Jack Gaither, you and I have crossed paths many times. The last time we crossed paths was with you being involved in my match with an American flag waving it about making this a race battle. You see you made a mistake already by thinking that all I’m going to care about is giving America a middle finger everywhere I go. I don’t care about America, I care about Middle Eastern wrestling. I care about breaking that stereotype that we can’t wrestle, that we can’t become champions all over the world! You won’t see me take flags down, you won’t see me spit on American soil, and you’ll just see me focused to win that match! I’m going to scar your face with the steel of the blunt cold cage. Your face will be a bloody mess with wound after wound that’ll see blood treacle down your face. So let me clear this up by saying don’t stereotype me….again. Now don’t take my warning as one that thinks I’m going to get it easy with you Jack, you’ve a little good run recently. So I’m going to take that on board because combine that with your iron will to succeed similar to mines, your speed and your endurance. You will run all the gas in the tank if it means winning the man of steel championship. But you are fighting tall and big men. Your size despite your heart being bigger than your height, Is going to affect you. Sad but true when it is going to take you longer to climb the cage to do a special move on us, and with your small arms how are you going to submit a savage dog like me? Who will bite the flesh off your arms if it means getting this title. Oh and that little knee of yours . That Jack is my target. That will be the first thing I go to rip apart so that your limb in the ring and helpless. I am that hungry for the title that I will be the most malicious wrestler in IWF history.
And now Cliff….The champion who’s been on a bad run of form. And it’s a shame Cliff because you were great. You put the Man of Steel Championship on the eyes of the masses. Match after match you put out there were pleasing to watch, and to finally get to face you after that little jump off the cage to make myself known. A titan amongst us who the fans love. You rally to the fans is admirable, almost like what Allah does to myself. The fans cries to you, appeals to you makes you beat your fists down, roar out loud like a grizzly bear and beat your chest as you attack your opponents with a new fresh injection of energy! Guess what Cliff? Bears before they die will use their last ounce of energy to go for the kill, sometimes that ain’t enough when the killer has a gun pointing at it’s face. I am going to make a statement with you, because I have to. Because whether it’s I aim for your knees or go for that brawling style that you so love, I am going be the hunter between you and I, and you are my prey. I’m going to kill you where you stand, take my pearl sword and slit your throat so the pain isn’t long for you. I respect you Cliff, you like a fight and you don’t back down, but this time you are up against a man who wants to change time and history and will do so with his pearl sword and a smile on his face as I get prepared to die for a lifelong cause.
I will repeat myself over when I say this to you three men when I say that I will shed blood, scar flesh, have flesh torn apart, bones break and turn into dust. This is the next chapter of my life here. This is Middle Eastern Wrestlings next chapter and I will not go down without a true fight. So bring your fists! Bring your kicks! Bring your big moves, impact moves, suplexes, spears, your high dives and all the arsenal that you have that you think can take me out! Because at the end of the day you can give the greatest finishers you have ever given in your careers, the most brutal moves you can last remember it will not be enough to kill off the Pearl Gladiator! I will be the lone Survivor! I will be the last dog in the yard and more importantly I will be the MAN OF STEEL!
Allah let us pray!
Allah the time has come for us to show the world that we ready to conquer. The time has come to show the world that on this front we are ready to become the champions of the world, like the great Persian ancestors.
Let the three men who are the final road blocks to our deserved title have the recognition they deserve for being in this match but once that bell rings to inject me with the venom that’ll tear them apart flesh by flesh. Let them use their heights, size and all the power that they can thrust towards us. Make them fear us Allah by realising that all they can muster will not be enough to make me fall.
Let me slay them all piece by piece. Let me slit their skin against the steel and make their eyes widen as they soon realise that they are up against a man who possess power that they cannot stop. Make them realise they can bring their weapons and will not stop my will and my mind. Make them all realise into the match that I am unbeatable….that I am immortal.
Allah with your righteous way make me slit their throats and drain the blood from their lives up until I have Cliff left. Let me be the one that tells the beast on the throne that his time has come to an end and he will be put to sleep permanently. Use your force to make me uncontrollable and let Cliff know that his time is coming to an end. I will take his weak knees out and see him bow to me. As he looks to me straight in the eyes, knowing his life is coming to an end, I will whisper in his ear.
“You were a great champion, but I will be the greatest.”
I will slit his throat before severing his head and raise it to the masses as I become the victor, the best in the ring….the Man of Steel. And when the crown is wrapped around my waist I will shout out the words:
Allah Akbar.
I give you my life Allah for the chance to make this history. For this moment and for the presses to say the following;
Mohammed Al Thani; Man of Steel Champion.