Post by Dynamite on Feb 22, 2015 2:41:38 GMT
Scene One: Baby Momma Drama... again...
The scene fades up with Dynamite standing in the hallway in the arena. He was on his cell phone and the conversation was slowly fading up.
>>DYNAMITE<< Lola... baby... listen. You're not understanding me.
He paused for a moment, looking frustrated and upset.
>>DYNAMITE<< You knew EXACTLY what I was signing up for when I signed with IWF. You KNEW!
He paused again, moving the phone away from his ear signalling that the person on the other end was yelling. He puts the phone back to his ear.
>>DYNAMITE<< Lola, you knew who I was when we got together. You know this is my job, my career, and it PAYS for all that stuff you and Jayne have. You know that I love both of you but... this is my passion. This is what I do. You used to be a part of this world. Why don't you understand?
He paused once more, waiting for the person on the other end to talk.
>>DYNAMITE<< You know I can't do that! I can not, and WILL NOT, abandon him again! And it's completely unfair of you to even ASK! You are being so irrational right now! Hello? HELLO? LOLA? DID YOU...
He lets out a grunt of frustration as he realized that the other person hung up the phone on him. He pulls his arm back, preparing to chuck the phone right into a wall, when he's stopped by a gentle tap on his shoulder. He looks and see's that it's Candy standing there with the typical happy go lucky Candy smile across her face.
>>CANDY<< Dynamite? Are you ok?
He let out a sigh and put the phone quietly in his pocket.
>>DYNAMITE<< Honestly... I don't know.
>>CANDY<< Wanna talk about it? Me and Fluffy are REALLY good listeners!
>>DYNAMITE<< I dunno Candy...
He couldn't help but crack a tiny, half smile across his face. He nodded.
>>DYNAMITE<< Sure, Candy.
Candy got overly excited as she and Dynamite sat down in two chairs in the hallway. She picked Fluffy up in her arms and looked up at Dynamite.
>>DYNAMITE<< Well... It's Lola...
Candy held up a finger telling him to wait a second. She reached in her pocket and pulled out a pair of fake glasses. Dynamite knew they were fake because there were no lenses in them. He smiled a little bit, because he knew she had the purest of intentions, though he doubted anything she said could make him feel better at this moment.
>>CANDY<< Sorry! These are my smarticle glasses! Don't they make me look SUPER smart!??
He nodded, she was one of his best friends, and always had a way of lightening the mood. Much like Marcus. Except with Marcus it usually ended up with them in trouble, about to be deported, or causing physical damage to himself or his wallet.
>>DYNAMITE<< Of course they do, Candy. So, as I was saying. It's Lola. She's mad at me for being away for so long.
>>CANDY<< Ohhhh...
Lola Heart... Dynamite's long term "significant other". She's been on many different levels with him, from girlfriend, to fiance, to "baby momma" as Marcus put it. She was the mother of Dynamite's 7 year old son, Jayne. They have a very on again, off again relationship.
>>DYNAMITE<< She knew when I signed up with IWF that I was going to be away for about a month in Vegas. This is my job, this has always been my job. Marcus is my tag team partner, my best friend, my brother... and she expects me to just drop everything, say "forget shock and awe", and come home. She wants me to settle down and be a stay at home dad, maybe even husband. She's upset that I won't abandon Marcus again. I did that once before... I won't do it again.
>>CANDY<< Uh huh... I remember that.
>>DYNAMITE<< I've offered for her and Jayne to travel with me. We can get him a homeschool tutor and travel. He'll be perfectly normal. I know it. But nooooo she doesn't want to uproot him. He wants to come travel with me and you and Marcus. She's completely lost it.
>>CANDY<< Awe... I'm sorry.
She placed her hand on his knee, showing support.
>>DYNAMITE<< What should I do, Candy?
She took a deep breath and cleared her throat.
>>CANDY<< Fluffy and me think you should follow your heart and do what you think is right for you, and for Jayne. We just want you to be happy.
>>DYNAMITE<< This is a lose/lose situation for me. No matter what I do, some one is going to get hurt. Thank's for letting me talk it out a little bit, Candy, but I think I need to talk to Marcus. He always knows what to say.
>>CANDY<< HE DOES! He's like a regular Herbert Einstein!
>>DYNAMITE<< And I just can't let this be weighing down on my mind for our big match. I can't let Marcus down again.
Dynamite smiled at her and nodded as he got up and walked away, ending the current scene.
Scene Two: Twerking, Transitions, and ... State Farm?
The scene fades up with Dynamite standing outside Shock and Awe's locker room. From behind the closed door, annoying pop music is heard. Dynamite opens the door, and inside we find Marcus Cage standing in front of a mirror, twerking.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Ooooh, yeah. Twerk it, twerk it.
Dynamite let out a chuckle, catching Marcus off guard.
>>DYNAMITE<< Are you seriously twerking?
>>DYNAMITE<< It's my locker room too. Why the hell are you twerking?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Because, you never know when Miley Cyrus will call me up on stage and ask me to twerk with her. I don't want to be unprepared.
>>DYNAMITE<< You like Miley Cyrus?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< At least I'm not a Belieber.
The smile left Dynamite's face.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< I didn't. I merely said I wasn't one.
Dynamite was struck speechless.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Suddenly, you have nothing to say?
They stared at each other in awkward silence before slowly turning their heads towards the camera. They flashed cheesy grins when they spotted the camera.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Haha, we aren't REALLY, haha, into twerking.
>>DYNAMITE<< OR Justin Beiber.
They share another awkward silence as words flashed across the screen.
Marcus and Dynamite look at each other. Marcus then spoke in a hushed tone.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Do you think they bought it?
>>DYNAMITE<< Not after you said THAT! Geez man.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< So what do we do?
>>DYNAMITE<< Change the subject.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< How are we supposed to do that?
>>DYNAMITE<< How do you think?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Wayne's World Transition?
>>DYNAMITE<< Wayne's World Transition!
They then start waving their hands in the air and making the noises like in the movie. The screen goes blurry.
The screen fades back in and they are standing in front of the statue of liberty in the middle of a hurricane type storm.
Nothing happens
They started doing the arms and noise again.
This time they fade up in the parking lot of the arena, standing in front of the tank, wearing military fatigues.
>>DYNAMITE<< That's more like it!
>>MARCUS CAGE<< That worked out shockingly well! I thought we were gonna have to go on some huge transition adventure where we end up running with the bulls, trying to avoid being eaten by wolves, almost fall into an active volcano, or...
Dynamite cut him off
>>DYNAMITE<< We get the point. Let's just move on.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Party pooper. So I take it we are here to talk to the fans about our upcoming match?
>>DYNAMITE<< What else would we be doing? Blowing up a car?
They both laughed for a moment before looking serious.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< I swear if you blow up some one's car again...
>>DYNAMITE<< I told you that wasn't my fault! You loaded it!
>>MARCUS CAGE<< You hit the button!
>>DYNAMITE<< This isn't the time or place for this dicussion. The fans don't want to hear how you caused so many bosses cars to get blown up. What's the count at now? 2?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< 3. But who's counting? So... what is this match we are supposed to be talking about again?
>>DYNAMITE<< Triple threat tag team match for contendership to the tag team titles.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< AH! Yes, I remember now. Olympians and... uh.. The Apocolypse, right?
>>DYNAMITE<< Bingo.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Now I know we have heard from our not-so-quiet opponents from last week. Or at least one of them.
>>DYNAMITE<< Yeah... heard from Titan. Nothing more than the typical rantings o f some one who thinks they are better than they really are. Sure... they got the best of us last week. Sure... Titan got the pinfall on me. That must make him a big ole badass, right?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< See... that's the thing with those two. They talk a big game, and last week we underestimated that big talk. But it's ok, we won't make the same mistake again this week. This time we KNOW what we are up against. This time... we ARE prepared. We are in sync with each other in that ring, no matter what.
>>DYNAMITE<< Exactly. You and I, while we may have our differences, we are a damn good tag team. We know what each other needs in that ring, and I know you would have gotten in there and broken up the pin if you were able to. It doesn't matter, because this week we are ready. We are prepared. We are going to march out there and declare war upon not only The Olympians and the Apocolypse... but the entire tag team division.
Marcus looks into the camera
>>MARCUS CAGE<< You see, we get it guys. We let our guard down last week. But we are prepared for whatever you two teams can send our way. We understand the ways of the tag team division, and there is always a little bit of doubt between two members of a tag team. But when you go into a tag team title match, or a tag title contenders match, you need to have your teamwork at 200%. See, me and the big man here, we know where we stand as a team even after some time running solo. We all know that he's the power and I'm the brains.
Dynamite burst out laughing. Marcus looked at him.
>>DYNAMITE<< You... the brains?
Marcus focused back on the camera.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< As I was saying. We have been tag team champions many times in the past for a reason. We know exactly how to work as a team, it's like we have a psychic connection where we know what the other needs in the ring, and where we need to be. It's hard to describe the connection we have as a tag team, even when we've had our differences and gone solo in our careers for a while.
>>DYNAMITE<< Like riding a bike, you never really forget.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< It's like an old pair of underwear.
>>DYNAMITE<< Yeah... wait what?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< It's comfortable, and has always been their, to support you.
>>DYNAMITE<< Are you comparing our tag team to old underwear?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Well, since you put it that way, I guess its NOT like that.
>>DYNAMITE<< You guys can use whatever dirty tactics you want to. But Marcus and I have been attacked backstage and from behind before, we've fought every challenge that has come our way. We have always ended up on the winning end. Maybe not at first... but when we set our minds to something, there's nothing that can stop us. We are one of the toughest tag teams that you will ever face. We've been beaten and bloodied in battle before.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< I have been stabbed by a salad fork in the head, and still wear the scar to this day.
>>DYNAMITE<< But according to most polls, Shock and Awe is being written off in this match.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< What do you mean?
>>DYNAMITE<< Most people are predicting The Olypmians to win the tag contendership. Can you believe it?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< WHAT? Well... THA... That's just great.
>>DYNAMITE<< It's OK, Marcus. It won't be the first time we've been counted out, and I'm sure it won't be the last.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< CIA, HOF, The Foundation, HFF, and so many others that I can't even remember, are just a handful of teams that gave us a run for our money, and were favored to take us out. But we proved to be the better team in the end. Just like no matter what happens, or where our careers take us... SHOCK AND AWE will be the last team standing.
>>DYNAMITE<< That's just how we do things. WE will be the last team standing. Do you know why?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Because we've proven we can beat people like Kronus and Titan, and because we know what to expect in a tag match. I know how to use my speed to keep you on your toes. My Hulkish friend here knows how to use his power and beat the snot out of you. And we won't hesitate to bring the weapons into play if needed.
Marcus glared into the camera.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< And we are talking to you... Plague and Fury. We've done some research and we know that you guys like to cheat to win, and go the cheap route with a DQ. We like to keep things on the up and up, but we aren't afraid to fight dirty if we need to. And you know what happens when the weapons get involved?
>>DYNAMITE<< People get hurt.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< We know how to use tables, ladders, and chairs. We have been on the recieving end of beatings with them, but we also know how to utilize them as weapons.
>>DYNAMITE<< Maximum damage.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< We can do things in matches with weapons that people couldn't even imagine.
>>DYNAMITE<< Especially this crazy bastard next to me. I've seen him do some crazy shit off a ladder. But that's not the point we are here to make. We showed up in IWF a few weeks ago with one goal in mind. That was to wage war against the tag team division. To come in and stir things up, get people caring about the Tag Team Titles again.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< And we are still working on that. We can't claim a victory in that aspect after only match. So now this week we not only get a shot at a different tag team, we get a shot at redemption against the Olympians. Which is cool with us, just makes it that much more fun for us.
>>DYNAMITE<< Becuase it doesn't matter who we go up against. We are going to go in there and do what we do best. It doesn't matter how crazy we have to get in this match, and at the end of the night there is only one thing that IS for certain. And that is Shock and Awe walking out the Tag Team Title #1 Contenders.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Because in a Triple threat tag team match match, anything goes. There's no DQs and no Count Outs in a triple threat. We are fully aware that we go out there with a big target on our backs. And that's fine by us. We are fully aware of the fact that we don't even have to be pinned to lose our chance for the tag titles.
>>DYNAMITE<< But that's not something we are concerned about. We are going into this match ready to give 200%. We won't stop at anything!
>>MARCUS CAGE<< The sky's the limit. We could do death defying stunts off the top rope to the outside!
>>DYNAMITE<< Swing metal chairs like maniacs!
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Put some one through the announcer table!
>>DYNAMITE<< Eliminate one person at a time!
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Climb the biggest ladder, and jump to your death through double stacked flaming tables covered with...
>>DYNAMITE<< Dude... take a deep breath. We aren't out to kill anyone or end any careers.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Says You.
>>DYNAMITE<< We aren't going into Danger Zone to end careers. We are going in to win us a shot at the gold. And at the end of the night, when it's all said and done, there will only be one thing left that needs to be said. And that is "Your winners ...
>>DYNAMITE<< "AND AWE!" And BOOM goes the Dynamite!
Marcus looked at him in shock.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Dude... why we gotta end on YOUR catchphrase?
>>DYNAMITE<< Uh... because you don't have one?
>>MARCUS CAGE<< I don't need a catchphrase. I'm a walking catchphrase!
Dynamite then muttered under his breath.
>>DYNAMITE<< More like walking pain in the ass.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< What was that?
>>DYNAMITE<< Nothing.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< Dude don't make me take off my belt and beat you with it.
>>DYNAMITE<< I'd like to see you try. I'll squash you.
>>MARCUS CAGE<< You'd have to catch me first, juice boy.
The two bicker back and forth, in typical Shock and Awe fashion, as the scene fades to black.