Post by Mohammed Al Thani on Mar 25, 2015 17:09:37 GMT
The fierce heat of the Middle East turns the skin to pink. Veils are worn by those trying to cover their mouths from getting grains of sand inside and irritate them. A young boy with thick dark hair is dancing around the markets of Doha with his parents . It’s jam packed with the roads covered with feet of marketers. Those behind the stalls are shouting to try and get their products sold off from their wooden stalls. The boy has a massive smile on his face as he tugs his parents towards a face paint stall. The host is more than welcoming as she tries to get as much money as possible while the boys parents hesitate about letting their son getting it done.
Boy: الأب، هل يمكن أن يرجى الحصول على وجهي رسمت؟ (Father, can I please get my face painted?)
Father: ابن، ونحن هنا لأكثر بكثير من الحصول على وجوهنا رسمت. لا تريد أن تحقق من لعبة الأكشاك أو راجع المجوهرات لطيفة؟ (Son, we are here for much more than getting our faces painted. Don’t you want to check out toy stalls or see the nice jewelry?)
The boy begins to cling onto his fathers hand.
Boy: ولكن أريد أن تبدو وكأنها المحارب النهائي! أريد أن أكون مثله عندما أكبر! (But I want to look like the Ultimate Warrior! I want to be like him when I grow up!)
The father rolls his eyes but the son begins to plead even more for it to be done. He puts his hands through his gelled black hair as he looks down at his son once more.
Father: مصارع؟ كم عدد المرات التي كنت قد شاهدت هذا الفيديو؟ (The wrestler? How many times have you watched that video?)
Boy: من فضلك !! هذا هو الشيء الوحيد الذي سوف نسأل لهذا اليوم! (Please!! It’s the only thing I’ll ask for today!)
The father sighs as he licks his dry lips through the intense heat. His lips can be seen as being cracked with a little drop of blood seeping through the cracks. He looks down once more and smiles before patting his son on the head.
Father: كنت محظوظا أنا أحبك. على المضي قدما ثم نقول للمرأة ما تريد. (You’re lucky I love you. Go on then tell the woman what you want.)
The boys face lights up as he dashes to his dad to hug him tightly to thank him.
Boy: يا بفضل الأب! (Oh thanks father!)
Moments later the family are walking down the busy markets. The boy has the yellow and pink face paint in the style of the Ultimate Warrior, making the noises like the late great wrestler and even shaking vines like his wrestling idol. The market is so dry that even walking normally makes dust and sand rise up from the ground. The father and son look at each other happy
as they hold hands, making sure the boy is safe.
Father: محمد البقاء في مكان قريب، ونحن في طريقنا للنظر في بعض الأثاث. (Mohammed stay nearby, we’re going to look at some furniture.)
The parents move over towards the stall as they take a look around at all the different furniture available. Young Mohammed notices in the distance how all the dust and sand is starting to become thicker by the second. He lets go of his fathers hand as he goes outside to see it. What the young Pearl Gladiator didn’t realise was he was walking into the beginning of a large sandstorm. The winds pick up to the point they start to whistle warning the crowd. The young Al Thani sees the sandstorm blot out the sun and turn the day into an eerily orange dusk. The sandstorm swarms in and within seconds the surroundings are covered with sand. The storm is fierce and blinding as young Mohammed tries to find the stall his parents were at. The market folk quickly rush into buildings and close their stalls with flaps to protect themselves. Mohammed reaches his arm out
to find where he was to begin with.
Al Thani: الأم! الأب! (Mother! Father!)
Young Mohammed goes into a tent of one of the markets and closes the flap behind him. He shakes his head vigorously as the sand particles falls off his hair and skin. He wipes away his eyes to regain his sight and soon realises this isn’t the place his parents were at. A old woman wearing a covered black veil soon reaches her hand out to the youngster.
Old Woman: آه محمد، لقد تم يتوقع منك! (Ah Mohammed, I’ve been expecting you!)
Al Thani: كيف عرفت اسمي؟ (How did you know my name?)
Old Woman smiles before rolling out dice.
Old Woman: أستطيع أن أقول كل شيء. الماضي والحاضر وبالطبع لقد أنعم الله مع معرفة المستقبل ... (I can tell everything. Past, present and of course I’ve been blessed with knowing the future…)
Al Thani: كنت نفسية؟ (You’re a psychic?)
The woman smiles again.
Old Woman: الشيء الوحيد الذي يسمونه لي. كنت الأسرة مليئة الأفراد القوي التي توحد مثل صخرة. هل تريد مني أن تقول لي مستقبلك؟ (One thing that they call me. You’re family are full of strong individuals that unite like a rock. Would you like me to tell me your future?)
Young Mohammed nods as he opens his palm for her. She does his reading and her eyes widen open and she begins to smile.
Old Woman: لحظة أشعر الهالة الخاصة بك كنت أعرف كنت له. رجل مقدر للأشياء عظيمة. سوف تلبية جميع الرغبات الخاصة بك الآمال والأحلام ليس فقط في قطر، ولكن في جميع أنحاء العالم أيضا. كنت لا ارتداء الطلاء وجه الطفل الصغير، ولكنك ارتداء هذه الأحذية الرياضية معينة ... (The moment I sense your aura I knew you were him. A man who is destined for great things. You will fulfil all your hopes desires and dreams not only in Qatar, but around the world as well. You don’t wear the face paint young child, but you do wear these particular sports boots…)
Young Mohammeds face brightens up.
Al Thani: هل يعني أنني سوف تكون أ- (You mean I will be a-)
The old woman covers his lips before taking out a crimson wrist band. She adds a dragon pendant onto it before wrapping it
around his wrist. She ties it tightly before touching it with her wrinkled fingers.
Old Woman: وكنت وضعت قطر على الخريطة مع عملكم الشاق. وإنما هو طفل صغير المهم ألا نستسلم لليأس. كلما كانت هناك أي عقبات في طريقك، أو أي مشاكل حيث كنت لا تعتقد أنك يمكن أن تحقيق أحلامك ... انظروا الى هذا قلادة وتذكر أن كنت متجهة لقهر ويكون مصارع بين الرجال ... (You will put Qatar on the map with your hard work. But it is important young child not to give up. Whenever there are any obstacles in your path, or any problems where you don’t believe you can fulfil your dreams…Look at this pendant and remember that you are destined to conquer and be a gladiator amongst men…)
Mother: محمد، حيث هو بلدي لؤلؤة القليل ؟! (Mohammed, where is my little Pearl?!)
The young Al Thani thanks the Old Woman before shouting on his parents that he is nearby. He opens the flaps and sees his parents along with a calm wind as he hugs his parents. This brings to present day where we see a much older Mohammed as we’re used to seeing him, sitting on his bed in his luxurious bedroom. He has a box of personal belongings in his possession. He opens the box and scrolls through the objects before pausing briefly for one moment and bringing out the very same pendant he got as a child on that fateful day. He places it against his head before looking up in the ceiling.
Al Thani: صلى الله والأنبياء نرى الآن هذه قلادة باعتباره رمزا من بلدي الخلود. قد تكون الرهانات الآن في صالحي. (May Allah and the prophets now see this pendant as a symbol of my immortality. May the stakes be now in my favour.)
Mohammed wears the wristband, slightly adjusting it to fit his size. He kisses the dragon pendant before praying to Allah once more.
So the time has finally come…
The time that I have been craving for since the last pay per view. To not only redeem myself but my fellow people for that very moment when I missed my chance at becoming a champion. And to reveal my true form to the western world!
Jack Gaither, I know you’ve been waiting too.
As the judge, jury and executioner I already know the outcome of what has to happen. Your throat must be slit and your blood must be spilt to purify your spirit and to purify mine. I will forgive you Jack once this deed is done.
Three falls of pain.
Three falls of scars.
Three falls of death.
And ill be ready, all covered in my own and Jack’s blood to take the winnings in the roulette.
I’m ready to bruise, bleed, scar and even die to purify your spirit. You’re little racist spirit that doesn’t even realise that their heart is blackened by corruption by a western society that tells you the colour of life is green. The way to live your life is by a piece of paper. The majority of you all, especially those in the Roulette look in the mirror and you don’t like the slave you have become. You all don’t like that you have become shackled by the capitalism. You Jack like everyone else in Western society are bred to only accept pure White as pearl…And when those with a different origin come to take the torch then you try and set us to ash.
When I roll the dice, the reaper is in my favour. The souls that are lost are collected by my own and before you will even realise I will have an army full of hungry dogs looking for their lost souls they’ll do ANYTHING to recover it.
Jack Gaither what have you done?! You have unleashed a demon that will stop at NOTHING to take your soul! A demon who will with fire will turn EVERYONE into ash! When I win Jack I will bathe in your ashes. I will walk down that ring again fuelled by your death and tell the whole roster in IWF that the new angel of death has awoken from his sleep. The masses of my brothers and sisters will celebrate this very day, and the rest of you will all perish with my Pearl Sword and my whip!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I know we both don’t care about technical abilities, height differences, weight differences because all we wanna do is kill! All we wanna do is destroy! And our toys will come out of the pram and we will use them on each other to tear off parts of flesh until one man is dropped dead in the middle of that ring! The ring will be stained with our blood, our guts and our bones. Make no mistake about it.
I never have quit at anything in my life Jack, I’m not going to quit this time! I’m ready to die for you. You’re going to have to kill me to stop me. And Jack, you cannot stop what is immortal…Especially when his reign to the throne is imminent!
I will use your bones as the pathway to my kingdom.
This night is all about gambles but let the gambling go in our favour. This night is about revealing to the world as the angel of death! Destruction is the word that will be spread. Let my foes think the two out of three falls match will weaken me and then out of nowhere BAM! Like a murder of Crows circling in, we’ll strike them one by one and show the world our immortality! We will be soaked in blood and the dust of bones but we’ll be next in line for the throne.
The world will watch on in shock as our empire advances with blood and fury.
Allah you will be worshipped by the masses as your fury will further fuel me to fulfil my destiny and my bloody dreams! The western world will soon realise who they should worship to and love. The corruptions seal will break on Sunday.
Allahu Akbar.
Boy: الأب، هل يمكن أن يرجى الحصول على وجهي رسمت؟ (Father, can I please get my face painted?)
Father: ابن، ونحن هنا لأكثر بكثير من الحصول على وجوهنا رسمت. لا تريد أن تحقق من لعبة الأكشاك أو راجع المجوهرات لطيفة؟ (Son, we are here for much more than getting our faces painted. Don’t you want to check out toy stalls or see the nice jewelry?)
The boy begins to cling onto his fathers hand.
Boy: ولكن أريد أن تبدو وكأنها المحارب النهائي! أريد أن أكون مثله عندما أكبر! (But I want to look like the Ultimate Warrior! I want to be like him when I grow up!)
The father rolls his eyes but the son begins to plead even more for it to be done. He puts his hands through his gelled black hair as he looks down at his son once more.
Father: مصارع؟ كم عدد المرات التي كنت قد شاهدت هذا الفيديو؟ (The wrestler? How many times have you watched that video?)
Boy: من فضلك !! هذا هو الشيء الوحيد الذي سوف نسأل لهذا اليوم! (Please!! It’s the only thing I’ll ask for today!)
The father sighs as he licks his dry lips through the intense heat. His lips can be seen as being cracked with a little drop of blood seeping through the cracks. He looks down once more and smiles before patting his son on the head.
Father: كنت محظوظا أنا أحبك. على المضي قدما ثم نقول للمرأة ما تريد. (You’re lucky I love you. Go on then tell the woman what you want.)
The boys face lights up as he dashes to his dad to hug him tightly to thank him.
Boy: يا بفضل الأب! (Oh thanks father!)
Moments later the family are walking down the busy markets. The boy has the yellow and pink face paint in the style of the Ultimate Warrior, making the noises like the late great wrestler and even shaking vines like his wrestling idol. The market is so dry that even walking normally makes dust and sand rise up from the ground. The father and son look at each other happy
as they hold hands, making sure the boy is safe.
Father: محمد البقاء في مكان قريب، ونحن في طريقنا للنظر في بعض الأثاث. (Mohammed stay nearby, we’re going to look at some furniture.)
The parents move over towards the stall as they take a look around at all the different furniture available. Young Mohammed notices in the distance how all the dust and sand is starting to become thicker by the second. He lets go of his fathers hand as he goes outside to see it. What the young Pearl Gladiator didn’t realise was he was walking into the beginning of a large sandstorm. The winds pick up to the point they start to whistle warning the crowd. The young Al Thani sees the sandstorm blot out the sun and turn the day into an eerily orange dusk. The sandstorm swarms in and within seconds the surroundings are covered with sand. The storm is fierce and blinding as young Mohammed tries to find the stall his parents were at. The market folk quickly rush into buildings and close their stalls with flaps to protect themselves. Mohammed reaches his arm out
to find where he was to begin with.
Al Thani: الأم! الأب! (Mother! Father!)
Young Mohammed goes into a tent of one of the markets and closes the flap behind him. He shakes his head vigorously as the sand particles falls off his hair and skin. He wipes away his eyes to regain his sight and soon realises this isn’t the place his parents were at. A old woman wearing a covered black veil soon reaches her hand out to the youngster.
Old Woman: آه محمد، لقد تم يتوقع منك! (Ah Mohammed, I’ve been expecting you!)
Al Thani: كيف عرفت اسمي؟ (How did you know my name?)
Old Woman smiles before rolling out dice.
Old Woman: أستطيع أن أقول كل شيء. الماضي والحاضر وبالطبع لقد أنعم الله مع معرفة المستقبل ... (I can tell everything. Past, present and of course I’ve been blessed with knowing the future…)
Al Thani: كنت نفسية؟ (You’re a psychic?)
The woman smiles again.
Old Woman: الشيء الوحيد الذي يسمونه لي. كنت الأسرة مليئة الأفراد القوي التي توحد مثل صخرة. هل تريد مني أن تقول لي مستقبلك؟ (One thing that they call me. You’re family are full of strong individuals that unite like a rock. Would you like me to tell me your future?)
Young Mohammed nods as he opens his palm for her. She does his reading and her eyes widen open and she begins to smile.
Old Woman: لحظة أشعر الهالة الخاصة بك كنت أعرف كنت له. رجل مقدر للأشياء عظيمة. سوف تلبية جميع الرغبات الخاصة بك الآمال والأحلام ليس فقط في قطر، ولكن في جميع أنحاء العالم أيضا. كنت لا ارتداء الطلاء وجه الطفل الصغير، ولكنك ارتداء هذه الأحذية الرياضية معينة ... (The moment I sense your aura I knew you were him. A man who is destined for great things. You will fulfil all your hopes desires and dreams not only in Qatar, but around the world as well. You don’t wear the face paint young child, but you do wear these particular sports boots…)
Young Mohammeds face brightens up.
Al Thani: هل يعني أنني سوف تكون أ- (You mean I will be a-)
The old woman covers his lips before taking out a crimson wrist band. She adds a dragon pendant onto it before wrapping it
around his wrist. She ties it tightly before touching it with her wrinkled fingers.
Old Woman: وكنت وضعت قطر على الخريطة مع عملكم الشاق. وإنما هو طفل صغير المهم ألا نستسلم لليأس. كلما كانت هناك أي عقبات في طريقك، أو أي مشاكل حيث كنت لا تعتقد أنك يمكن أن تحقيق أحلامك ... انظروا الى هذا قلادة وتذكر أن كنت متجهة لقهر ويكون مصارع بين الرجال ... (You will put Qatar on the map with your hard work. But it is important young child not to give up. Whenever there are any obstacles in your path, or any problems where you don’t believe you can fulfil your dreams…Look at this pendant and remember that you are destined to conquer and be a gladiator amongst men…)
Mother: محمد، حيث هو بلدي لؤلؤة القليل ؟! (Mohammed, where is my little Pearl?!)
The young Al Thani thanks the Old Woman before shouting on his parents that he is nearby. He opens the flaps and sees his parents along with a calm wind as he hugs his parents. This brings to present day where we see a much older Mohammed as we’re used to seeing him, sitting on his bed in his luxurious bedroom. He has a box of personal belongings in his possession. He opens the box and scrolls through the objects before pausing briefly for one moment and bringing out the very same pendant he got as a child on that fateful day. He places it against his head before looking up in the ceiling.
Al Thani: صلى الله والأنبياء نرى الآن هذه قلادة باعتباره رمزا من بلدي الخلود. قد تكون الرهانات الآن في صالحي. (May Allah and the prophets now see this pendant as a symbol of my immortality. May the stakes be now in my favour.)
Mohammed wears the wristband, slightly adjusting it to fit his size. He kisses the dragon pendant before praying to Allah once more.
So the time has finally come…
The time that I have been craving for since the last pay per view. To not only redeem myself but my fellow people for that very moment when I missed my chance at becoming a champion. And to reveal my true form to the western world!
Jack Gaither, I know you’ve been waiting too.
As the judge, jury and executioner I already know the outcome of what has to happen. Your throat must be slit and your blood must be spilt to purify your spirit and to purify mine. I will forgive you Jack once this deed is done.
Three falls of pain.
Three falls of scars.
Three falls of death.
And ill be ready, all covered in my own and Jack’s blood to take the winnings in the roulette.
I’m ready to bruise, bleed, scar and even die to purify your spirit. You’re little racist spirit that doesn’t even realise that their heart is blackened by corruption by a western society that tells you the colour of life is green. The way to live your life is by a piece of paper. The majority of you all, especially those in the Roulette look in the mirror and you don’t like the slave you have become. You all don’t like that you have become shackled by the capitalism. You Jack like everyone else in Western society are bred to only accept pure White as pearl…And when those with a different origin come to take the torch then you try and set us to ash.
When I roll the dice, the reaper is in my favour. The souls that are lost are collected by my own and before you will even realise I will have an army full of hungry dogs looking for their lost souls they’ll do ANYTHING to recover it.
Jack Gaither what have you done?! You have unleashed a demon that will stop at NOTHING to take your soul! A demon who will with fire will turn EVERYONE into ash! When I win Jack I will bathe in your ashes. I will walk down that ring again fuelled by your death and tell the whole roster in IWF that the new angel of death has awoken from his sleep. The masses of my brothers and sisters will celebrate this very day, and the rest of you will all perish with my Pearl Sword and my whip!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
I know we both don’t care about technical abilities, height differences, weight differences because all we wanna do is kill! All we wanna do is destroy! And our toys will come out of the pram and we will use them on each other to tear off parts of flesh until one man is dropped dead in the middle of that ring! The ring will be stained with our blood, our guts and our bones. Make no mistake about it.
I never have quit at anything in my life Jack, I’m not going to quit this time! I’m ready to die for you. You’re going to have to kill me to stop me. And Jack, you cannot stop what is immortal…Especially when his reign to the throne is imminent!
I will use your bones as the pathway to my kingdom.
This night is all about gambles but let the gambling go in our favour. This night is about revealing to the world as the angel of death! Destruction is the word that will be spread. Let my foes think the two out of three falls match will weaken me and then out of nowhere BAM! Like a murder of Crows circling in, we’ll strike them one by one and show the world our immortality! We will be soaked in blood and the dust of bones but we’ll be next in line for the throne.
The world will watch on in shock as our empire advances with blood and fury.
Allah you will be worshipped by the masses as your fury will further fuel me to fulfil my destiny and my bloody dreams! The western world will soon realise who they should worship to and love. The corruptions seal will break on Sunday.
Allahu Akbar.