Post by paulgray on Jul 25, 2015 23:46:27 GMT
The sun is soaring as the sand is too hot for the bare flesh to touch. In the middle of the desert where no life appears to exist or be able to survive, except for a black hummer that has left it’s own tyre marks embedded in the sand. The doors slowly open to reveal Mohammed wearing all black with sunglasses protecting his eyes from the direct sun light, along with DaMarius as he turns off the ignition and joins him. They wait alone next to their car as if they anticipate an arrival imminently.
Thomas: So why couldn’t Divine come with us?
Al Thani: I’ll explain when it shows up.
Thomas: It?
Mohammed gives a dirty look which makes the giant former NFL tryout backs away. Time passes by with little to no communication between the pair, standing on the same spot, until Mohammed jumps at the sight of further life. A red car sporting in the distance the design of a Jaguar. The car spurts grains of sand in the air that starts a small wind current that gets bigger and bigger as they get closer to Mohammed and DaMarius. The Jaguar eventually slows and harshly breaks right in front of them. DaMarius gets grains of sand in his eye and goes to wipe it off, reddening it at the process. He puts his sunglasses on as Mohammed remains cool, calm and collected. The car door opens to reveal another Arabic man getting out wearing too all black and sunglasses. He smiles at Mohammed and opens his arms wide open.
Man: Well…Well…Well. I thought our meetings in the desert were done since you moved here but here we are.
Mohammed takes off his sunglasses before looking at the man straight in the eye.
Al Thani: Hello Abdullah….DaMarius this is Abdullah Al Thani….My –
Abdullah: Brother…..Baby brother!
Al Thani: Half brother!
DaMarius looks stunned after Mohammed’s introduction.
Abdullah: Way to make it awkward from the very start big brother!
Mohammed looks restless and tries to get to the point.
Al Thani: Why are you here? We haven’t spoken in years and then all of a sudden I get a call from your mother saying you want to talk to me?
Abdullah: Well…I missed you.
Al Thani: You miss my wallet more like! Ever since father told you because you’re an illegitimate son you’re not a blood member of the Al Thani family you have been a bad seed.
Mohammed turns around to DaMarius.
Al Thani: We’re about to go Arabic here so here’s a little info. He’s a bastard child, and a bastard human being. Drug dealings, black markets, prostitutes, the works. Despite everything we did for him he spat it back in our faces, so father decided no more and kicked him out.
Abdullah throws his sunglasses into the hot sandy ground.
Abdullah: الذين لم تعتقد جعلني بهذه الطريقة؟ كنت مكروه لي الأسرة من البداية لأنها تبين القليل متعة جانب الأب. كنت الوحيد الذي بدا بالنسبة لي. من حسن إلى سيء جدا. جميع أنا هنا لهو أن سمعت أنك إحداث أثر لإخواننا وأخواتنا في الوطن وأراد أن ندعمكم .... (Who did you think made me that way? You’re family hated me from the beginning since they found out father’s little side pleasure. You were the only one that looked out for me. From the good to the very bad. All I’m here for is that I heard you were making an impact for our brothers and sisters back home and wanted to support you….
Mohammed walks into his private space.
Al Thani: وأرجو أن الاحماء لواحدة من أكبر المباريات في مسيرتي. احتمال اتخاذ حزام أمريكا الشمالية / ويسترن في أيدي العربية للمرة الأولى على الإطلاق، وبدلا من ذلك أتعامل معك! هل تعتقد أن النهج الحمار تقبيل العمل؟ ربما مع عمتي والأشقاء لدينا ولكن ليس معي! حتى يقول لي القصة الحقيقية هنا عبد الله وإلا سوف أترككم مع الرمال هنا! (I should be warming up for one of the biggest matches of my career. The prospect of taking a North American/Western belt into Arabic hands for the first time EVER, and instead I am dealing with you! Do you think the ass kissing approach would work? Maybe with aunt and our siblings but not with me! So tell me the REAL story here Abdullah or else I’ll leave you with the sand here!
Abdullah bites his lips before reluctantly spilling the beans of why he got family to make contact with him.
Abdullah: وذهب صفقة مخدرات خطأ محمد ... ..I'm بسبب الرجال سيئة للغاية بعض النقود. لا أحد سوف تقدم لي المال بصرف النظر عن Y- (A drug deal went wrong Mohammed…..I’m due very bad men some cash. No one will lend me the money apart from y-
Al Thani: كنت اعلم! كنت أعرف أنه طوال الوقت! المال، والمال، والمال. كم تحتاج؟ (I KNEW! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! Money, money, money. How much do you need?
Abdullah: اثنان ونصف مليون .... (Two and a half million....)
Al Thani: اثنان ونصف مليون؟ هل أنت مجنون لأعتقد أن تعطيك هذا على الفور ؟! هل يمكن أن يكون الرجل لقيادة قطر إلى التوسع الكبير في إمبراطوريتها ولكن بدلا من ذلك يمكنك سكران بعيدا عن المخدرات. الجحيم عشية مباراة لقبي يجب أن أكون في صالة الألعاب الرياضية لتدريب لديك لي هنا إضاعة وقتي على وجودك احمق! (TWO AND A HALF MILLION? ARE YOU INSANE TO THINK I’D GIVE YOU THAT ON THE SPOT?! You could have been the guy to lead Qatar to an great expansion of its empire but instead you pissed it away on drugs. Hell on the EVE of MY title match that I should be in the gym for training you have me here wasting my time on you being an idiot!
Abdullah: لكن محمد أنها سوف تقتلني! وهم يعرفون مكاني وأنا بحاجة إلى أن المال في أقرب وقت الفلك (But Mohammed they will kill me! They know where I am and I need that money as soon as-
Al Thani: لا عبد الله! أعطي، تعطي، تعطي وتعطي لانقاذ لكم وفي المقابل يمكنني الحصول على الامتنان؟ يمكنني الحصول على عائد أن أقول شكرا؟ هل يمكنني الحصول على لرؤيتك تنظيف الفعل الخاص بك؟ لا ... .هذا هو السبب لا أحد يعرف عنك إلا له!(Pointing at DaMarius).
(No Abdullah! I give, give, give and give to save you and in return do I get a gratitude? Do I get a return to say thanks? Do I get to see you clean your act up? No….This is why no one knows about you except him! )
Mohammeds eyes go red as a lone tear falls down his cheek.
Al Thani: أنا أحب لك مرة واحدة ... لقد كنت يا أخي لا يهم إذا دمائنا ليست هي نفسها. ولكن بعد ذلك اخترت طريق الظلام. (I loved you once…You were my brother no matter if our blood is not the same. But then you chose a path of darkness.)
Mohammed goes open the door of his car as Abdullah jumps down to hold his leg, pleading and begging for him to help.
Abdullah: محمد، أنت لا تفهم ما الذي سيحدث إذا لم يكن لمساعدتي! هيا رجل أنا أخوك !!!!
محمد يستدير وينظر إلى أسفل على أخيه غير الشقيق، ومحو بعيدا المسيل للدموع. (Mohammed, you don’t understand what is going to happen if you don’t help me! Come on man I’m your brother!!!!
Mohammed turns around and looks down at his half-brother, wiping away the tear.
Al Thani: توفي أخي قبل عشر سنوات. (My brother died ten years ago.)
The pair tussle as Abdullah tries at anything to get him to stay but Mohammed pushes him down into the sand. Grains stick to Abdullahs face and hair as Mohammed goes into the car along with DaMarius. He starts the car and gets ready to leave.
Al Thani: كنت أفضل حالا الميت لي. أبدا التحدث معي مرة أخرى! (You’re better off dead to me. Never speak to me again!
DaMarius storms away in the car that bolts sand in the air and flowing onto Abdullahs face. Mohammed doesn’t look back as he holds his head, trying to deal with it all.
Al Thani: Divine can never know we were here.
Hours later at the gym Mohammed is going over paperwork for several businesses. He drinks ice cold water as he tries to finish his work so he can train for the match with Owens. He hears a firm knock on his door before Divine comes in.
Divine: Emmm Mohammed?
Al Thani: Yes beautiful?
Divine opens the door to reveal two officers behind her. Mohammed stands up and looks on.
Officer: Are you Mr Mohammed Al Thani?
Al Thani: Yes Sir I am.
Officer: Its’ about your brother, Abdullah.
The officers close the door behind them with themselves, Divine and Mohammed all inside the office.
As you can tell Aaron I’ve may have not had the best training leading up to this match. Instead of dealing with minor
problems and difficulties I could be strengthening my weaknesses to tune up my skills to fight you.
This is big for me because I FINALLY get a title shot. After all the racism I have to deal with working for this company day in and day out, even with my family owning a third, I get nothing in return.
Well it’s better the devil you know than the devils you don’t.
Who do you think got this match? I tried the honest way but it wasn’t getting me anywhere with that god awful general manager and that dickhead of an owner Verona. So I did what many rich people in society did.
I bought my way into a shot. And to the man, you know who you are, that was supposed to get the next shot at Invictus gold I will simply tell you this;
Fuck you.
Fuck you Atwater and fuck you Owens. I’ve have EARNED this shot for a very long time. I’ve been in the Western world for nearly 9 months now and with all the shit that I have had to deal with, from your god awful commercial breaks on TV shows to your aspartame in your food, to even your gym equipment being so poor in developmental. The racism I’ve had with people to my face and to my social media to ‘go back where I came from’ the very least I deserve is a shot to shut their fat greasy American mouths.
I give 110 percent to every match I go into unlike a lot of the others in this locker room!
Yes I got it wrong with the Samoan.
But I never make the same mistake twice.
Aaron Owens you forget that while you have a little troop of people hash tagging you on in support saying #fightowens and #letsgoowens, I have a NATION behind me! I have MILLIONS behind me! And with their love, support and passions all moulded into one I will bleed more than I have ever bled before. I will fight with every last bit of oxygen going into my body until I am flat lined. People that have fought me have seen this before and yet they are still people that think that I cannot do it!
Those people are the racist scum that don’t want an Arabic man to succeed at one thing he loves to do on a daily basis. One goal that has set his life. The epitome of the American Dream. When an American like you Owens wins gold and says I fulfilled the American Dream it is supported by the American people, but when a foreigner does it? It gets shat on. Now my skin may not be white, and I may not be everyone’s likeable wrestler and have the arms, the stomach and the name. But one thing you must note Aaron is I am the baddest and the most brutal breed they can get. I am the wild dog that needs a big chain to stop killing those that get in my way. I am the one that devours fresh meat, blood and bone until my belly cannot take in anymore!
Now I don’t believe you are one of those racists Owens. Your slow rise has been admirable. And I respect you as a fighter. From being the rookie you were when you debuted to becoming a hot prospect for the future and gaining more confidence is something everyone passionate about wrestling likes, so good on you. It’s just such a shame that the wonder kid run has to come to an end with me. But I’m not leaving that ring unless I am in a body bag! We’re going to strike and with those strikes I will feel a sting, but that stinging sensation is going to further fuel the adrenaline and my response will be an iron fist that breaks your jaw into dust and rusted bone. Use your highflying skills to jump off that steel ladder and I will catch you and break your weak back!! You even think about trading blows with me I will hit twice as hard again, and again, and again until you are fucking picking your teeth up from the ring mat!!!
Excuse the language from me. It’s not normal but I’ve had enough of being laughed at, spat at and looked down upon as a guy to fill the roster. My time is now and I am sick of tired of waiting around for a chance to come right on my lap.
Seek and Strike!!
That’s what I am going to do to you Owens!
And not only will my Arabic brothers and sisters be the ones that fuel, every single man, woman and child that has been told in their life they can’t do it will fuel me.
So I want all of you to put your hand out.
Reach my hand as I want to reach your hand because I want you all to know that no matter how many people have told you that you are worthless, no matter how many people have said it’s impossible to follow your hearts and dreams I am here to say these words to you that Allah has just told me right now in front of me!!!
‘Fuck the world and reach your dreams'
Because THAT is what will be running through my veins. THAT is what will pump more blood, adrenaline and everything else chemically in my body I need to push me to my limist. THAT is what will make the announcer say these words;
And when I reach the top of the ladder and unhook that belt I will tell myself this.
‘I will look up to the sky
And though the world’s so high
I’ve waited all my life.
I’ve made it. I’ve made it’
Then I will tell my Arabic brothers and sisters that impossible is nothing, and that we are the same as everyone else in this one life we have. They will cheer my name as I parade the belt in the streets.
Owens. That belt isn’t even in my possession and I can guarantee you one thing. That belt is a commodity to you, a stepping stone. That belt to me means immortality.
And with Allahs guidance I will with a tear in my eye say this!
You’re going to have to kill me to have any hope to retain.
And I’m going to kill you to fulfil the Arabic Dream.
The stars all point to an eastern wind Aaron. Enjoy your last few days.
Allahu Akbar.
Thomas: So why couldn’t Divine come with us?
Al Thani: I’ll explain when it shows up.
Thomas: It?
Mohammed gives a dirty look which makes the giant former NFL tryout backs away. Time passes by with little to no communication between the pair, standing on the same spot, until Mohammed jumps at the sight of further life. A red car sporting in the distance the design of a Jaguar. The car spurts grains of sand in the air that starts a small wind current that gets bigger and bigger as they get closer to Mohammed and DaMarius. The Jaguar eventually slows and harshly breaks right in front of them. DaMarius gets grains of sand in his eye and goes to wipe it off, reddening it at the process. He puts his sunglasses on as Mohammed remains cool, calm and collected. The car door opens to reveal another Arabic man getting out wearing too all black and sunglasses. He smiles at Mohammed and opens his arms wide open.
Man: Well…Well…Well. I thought our meetings in the desert were done since you moved here but here we are.
Mohammed takes off his sunglasses before looking at the man straight in the eye.
Al Thani: Hello Abdullah….DaMarius this is Abdullah Al Thani….My –
Abdullah: Brother…..Baby brother!
Al Thani: Half brother!
DaMarius looks stunned after Mohammed’s introduction.
Abdullah: Way to make it awkward from the very start big brother!
Mohammed looks restless and tries to get to the point.
Al Thani: Why are you here? We haven’t spoken in years and then all of a sudden I get a call from your mother saying you want to talk to me?
Abdullah: Well…I missed you.
Al Thani: You miss my wallet more like! Ever since father told you because you’re an illegitimate son you’re not a blood member of the Al Thani family you have been a bad seed.
Mohammed turns around to DaMarius.
Al Thani: We’re about to go Arabic here so here’s a little info. He’s a bastard child, and a bastard human being. Drug dealings, black markets, prostitutes, the works. Despite everything we did for him he spat it back in our faces, so father decided no more and kicked him out.
Abdullah throws his sunglasses into the hot sandy ground.
Abdullah: الذين لم تعتقد جعلني بهذه الطريقة؟ كنت مكروه لي الأسرة من البداية لأنها تبين القليل متعة جانب الأب. كنت الوحيد الذي بدا بالنسبة لي. من حسن إلى سيء جدا. جميع أنا هنا لهو أن سمعت أنك إحداث أثر لإخواننا وأخواتنا في الوطن وأراد أن ندعمكم .... (Who did you think made me that way? You’re family hated me from the beginning since they found out father’s little side pleasure. You were the only one that looked out for me. From the good to the very bad. All I’m here for is that I heard you were making an impact for our brothers and sisters back home and wanted to support you….
Mohammed walks into his private space.
Al Thani: وأرجو أن الاحماء لواحدة من أكبر المباريات في مسيرتي. احتمال اتخاذ حزام أمريكا الشمالية / ويسترن في أيدي العربية للمرة الأولى على الإطلاق، وبدلا من ذلك أتعامل معك! هل تعتقد أن النهج الحمار تقبيل العمل؟ ربما مع عمتي والأشقاء لدينا ولكن ليس معي! حتى يقول لي القصة الحقيقية هنا عبد الله وإلا سوف أترككم مع الرمال هنا! (I should be warming up for one of the biggest matches of my career. The prospect of taking a North American/Western belt into Arabic hands for the first time EVER, and instead I am dealing with you! Do you think the ass kissing approach would work? Maybe with aunt and our siblings but not with me! So tell me the REAL story here Abdullah or else I’ll leave you with the sand here!
Abdullah bites his lips before reluctantly spilling the beans of why he got family to make contact with him.
Abdullah: وذهب صفقة مخدرات خطأ محمد ... ..I'm بسبب الرجال سيئة للغاية بعض النقود. لا أحد سوف تقدم لي المال بصرف النظر عن Y- (A drug deal went wrong Mohammed…..I’m due very bad men some cash. No one will lend me the money apart from y-
Al Thani: كنت اعلم! كنت أعرف أنه طوال الوقت! المال، والمال، والمال. كم تحتاج؟ (I KNEW! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! Money, money, money. How much do you need?
Abdullah: اثنان ونصف مليون .... (Two and a half million....)
Al Thani: اثنان ونصف مليون؟ هل أنت مجنون لأعتقد أن تعطيك هذا على الفور ؟! هل يمكن أن يكون الرجل لقيادة قطر إلى التوسع الكبير في إمبراطوريتها ولكن بدلا من ذلك يمكنك سكران بعيدا عن المخدرات. الجحيم عشية مباراة لقبي يجب أن أكون في صالة الألعاب الرياضية لتدريب لديك لي هنا إضاعة وقتي على وجودك احمق! (TWO AND A HALF MILLION? ARE YOU INSANE TO THINK I’D GIVE YOU THAT ON THE SPOT?! You could have been the guy to lead Qatar to an great expansion of its empire but instead you pissed it away on drugs. Hell on the EVE of MY title match that I should be in the gym for training you have me here wasting my time on you being an idiot!
Abdullah: لكن محمد أنها سوف تقتلني! وهم يعرفون مكاني وأنا بحاجة إلى أن المال في أقرب وقت الفلك (But Mohammed they will kill me! They know where I am and I need that money as soon as-
Al Thani: لا عبد الله! أعطي، تعطي، تعطي وتعطي لانقاذ لكم وفي المقابل يمكنني الحصول على الامتنان؟ يمكنني الحصول على عائد أن أقول شكرا؟ هل يمكنني الحصول على لرؤيتك تنظيف الفعل الخاص بك؟ لا ... .هذا هو السبب لا أحد يعرف عنك إلا له!(Pointing at DaMarius).
(No Abdullah! I give, give, give and give to save you and in return do I get a gratitude? Do I get a return to say thanks? Do I get to see you clean your act up? No….This is why no one knows about you except him! )
Mohammeds eyes go red as a lone tear falls down his cheek.
Al Thani: أنا أحب لك مرة واحدة ... لقد كنت يا أخي لا يهم إذا دمائنا ليست هي نفسها. ولكن بعد ذلك اخترت طريق الظلام. (I loved you once…You were my brother no matter if our blood is not the same. But then you chose a path of darkness.)
Mohammed goes open the door of his car as Abdullah jumps down to hold his leg, pleading and begging for him to help.
Abdullah: محمد، أنت لا تفهم ما الذي سيحدث إذا لم يكن لمساعدتي! هيا رجل أنا أخوك !!!!
محمد يستدير وينظر إلى أسفل على أخيه غير الشقيق، ومحو بعيدا المسيل للدموع. (Mohammed, you don’t understand what is going to happen if you don’t help me! Come on man I’m your brother!!!!
Mohammed turns around and looks down at his half-brother, wiping away the tear.
Al Thani: توفي أخي قبل عشر سنوات. (My brother died ten years ago.)
The pair tussle as Abdullah tries at anything to get him to stay but Mohammed pushes him down into the sand. Grains stick to Abdullahs face and hair as Mohammed goes into the car along with DaMarius. He starts the car and gets ready to leave.
Al Thani: كنت أفضل حالا الميت لي. أبدا التحدث معي مرة أخرى! (You’re better off dead to me. Never speak to me again!
DaMarius storms away in the car that bolts sand in the air and flowing onto Abdullahs face. Mohammed doesn’t look back as he holds his head, trying to deal with it all.
Al Thani: Divine can never know we were here.
Hours later at the gym Mohammed is going over paperwork for several businesses. He drinks ice cold water as he tries to finish his work so he can train for the match with Owens. He hears a firm knock on his door before Divine comes in.
Divine: Emmm Mohammed?
Al Thani: Yes beautiful?
Divine opens the door to reveal two officers behind her. Mohammed stands up and looks on.
Officer: Are you Mr Mohammed Al Thani?
Al Thani: Yes Sir I am.
Officer: Its’ about your brother, Abdullah.
The officers close the door behind them with themselves, Divine and Mohammed all inside the office.
As you can tell Aaron I’ve may have not had the best training leading up to this match. Instead of dealing with minor
problems and difficulties I could be strengthening my weaknesses to tune up my skills to fight you.
This is big for me because I FINALLY get a title shot. After all the racism I have to deal with working for this company day in and day out, even with my family owning a third, I get nothing in return.
Well it’s better the devil you know than the devils you don’t.
Who do you think got this match? I tried the honest way but it wasn’t getting me anywhere with that god awful general manager and that dickhead of an owner Verona. So I did what many rich people in society did.
I bought my way into a shot. And to the man, you know who you are, that was supposed to get the next shot at Invictus gold I will simply tell you this;
Fuck you.
Fuck you Atwater and fuck you Owens. I’ve have EARNED this shot for a very long time. I’ve been in the Western world for nearly 9 months now and with all the shit that I have had to deal with, from your god awful commercial breaks on TV shows to your aspartame in your food, to even your gym equipment being so poor in developmental. The racism I’ve had with people to my face and to my social media to ‘go back where I came from’ the very least I deserve is a shot to shut their fat greasy American mouths.
I give 110 percent to every match I go into unlike a lot of the others in this locker room!
Yes I got it wrong with the Samoan.
But I never make the same mistake twice.
Aaron Owens you forget that while you have a little troop of people hash tagging you on in support saying #fightowens and #letsgoowens, I have a NATION behind me! I have MILLIONS behind me! And with their love, support and passions all moulded into one I will bleed more than I have ever bled before. I will fight with every last bit of oxygen going into my body until I am flat lined. People that have fought me have seen this before and yet they are still people that think that I cannot do it!
Those people are the racist scum that don’t want an Arabic man to succeed at one thing he loves to do on a daily basis. One goal that has set his life. The epitome of the American Dream. When an American like you Owens wins gold and says I fulfilled the American Dream it is supported by the American people, but when a foreigner does it? It gets shat on. Now my skin may not be white, and I may not be everyone’s likeable wrestler and have the arms, the stomach and the name. But one thing you must note Aaron is I am the baddest and the most brutal breed they can get. I am the wild dog that needs a big chain to stop killing those that get in my way. I am the one that devours fresh meat, blood and bone until my belly cannot take in anymore!
Now I don’t believe you are one of those racists Owens. Your slow rise has been admirable. And I respect you as a fighter. From being the rookie you were when you debuted to becoming a hot prospect for the future and gaining more confidence is something everyone passionate about wrestling likes, so good on you. It’s just such a shame that the wonder kid run has to come to an end with me. But I’m not leaving that ring unless I am in a body bag! We’re going to strike and with those strikes I will feel a sting, but that stinging sensation is going to further fuel the adrenaline and my response will be an iron fist that breaks your jaw into dust and rusted bone. Use your highflying skills to jump off that steel ladder and I will catch you and break your weak back!! You even think about trading blows with me I will hit twice as hard again, and again, and again until you are fucking picking your teeth up from the ring mat!!!
Excuse the language from me. It’s not normal but I’ve had enough of being laughed at, spat at and looked down upon as a guy to fill the roster. My time is now and I am sick of tired of waiting around for a chance to come right on my lap.
Seek and Strike!!
That’s what I am going to do to you Owens!
And not only will my Arabic brothers and sisters be the ones that fuel, every single man, woman and child that has been told in their life they can’t do it will fuel me.
So I want all of you to put your hand out.
Reach my hand as I want to reach your hand because I want you all to know that no matter how many people have told you that you are worthless, no matter how many people have said it’s impossible to follow your hearts and dreams I am here to say these words to you that Allah has just told me right now in front of me!!!
‘Fuck the world and reach your dreams'
Because THAT is what will be running through my veins. THAT is what will pump more blood, adrenaline and everything else chemically in my body I need to push me to my limist. THAT is what will make the announcer say these words;
And when I reach the top of the ladder and unhook that belt I will tell myself this.
‘I will look up to the sky
And though the world’s so high
I’ve waited all my life.
I’ve made it. I’ve made it’
Then I will tell my Arabic brothers and sisters that impossible is nothing, and that we are the same as everyone else in this one life we have. They will cheer my name as I parade the belt in the streets.
Owens. That belt isn’t even in my possession and I can guarantee you one thing. That belt is a commodity to you, a stepping stone. That belt to me means immortality.
And with Allahs guidance I will with a tear in my eye say this!
You’re going to have to kill me to have any hope to retain.
And I’m going to kill you to fulfil the Arabic Dream.
The stars all point to an eastern wind Aaron. Enjoy your last few days.
Allahu Akbar.